About Us
Ironically as a Registered Dietitian, Tiffany has always been a true foodie and has a huge love for baked goods. She promotes everything in moderation while maintaining the integrity of purely good food. No extra protein powders, gluten free, or keto nonsense will be found in her treats. But you can expect to feed the soul with each bite.
As a child, her family would go to Costco every weekend for their weekly groceries. Tiffany would love to go for one reason only…snacks! The samples sparked her interest and she would always ask her parents if she can have a “tryful.” When they would ask, “what is a tryful?” because there really is no such thing for what she was talking about. She would say, “you know…you try it and you get full!”
After attending the Institute of Culinary Education to further her knowledge in baking and pastry arts, Tiffany provides some of the tastiest and quality bites from New York. You can have some tryfuls yourself by placing pre-orders online between the monthly deadlines and pick up your order at the designated locations/pop up sites!